Follow the money.
Reading or watching the manufactured infobytes that currently pass for journalism would lead one to be mislead. The recession is ending. Times are good. The recession is over, times are going to get worse. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.
Follow the money.
If a police state is to be created, what is the fastest, most cost effective means of such creation? The soon-to-be ruled must ask for it. Why bother with tanks in the streets and guns in faces if the people simple turn to an Almighty Big Government and ask to be controlled in every field of human existence?
Follow the money.
What happens in a free society when the populace surrenders all freedom, all sovereignty? The power that already rests in the hands of very few becomes stronger, and that power becomes a whip by which the people may be flogged. Give up, surrender and let us take care of you. We are from the government, and we are here to help.
Follow the money.
When corporate fascism corrupts the notion of capitalism to such a point that it no longer exists, when the corporate fascists erode the ultimate freedom of the free market to a point in which the market must be controlled, then the work place becomes a battlefield. From the Communists came the notion of "you can't say that! You'll get us all arrested!" The corporate fascists have mutated that into: You can't say that! You'll get us all fired!
Follow the money.
Freedom, at its most basic level, cannot exist without communication. The ability to say "2+2=4" is meaningless without someone else to hear it (in a deeper political sense). Truth must be spread like a virus. To spread the truth, it must begin, and then go forth. (QED) The internet allows this to happen at the touch of a button. Click: boom. Just that simple.
Follow the money.
Recently, in the United States, the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) has begun to make headway into the death of the internet. They have decided, and this is all but signed, inked and passed forth, to begin allowing broadband providers a tiered system. This means: the more downloads you are doing, the more you will pay. Here, voices will cry out: Why is that bad? Shouldn't you pay for what you are using, just like water or electricity?
Follow the money.
As of this writing, all of the newer HDTV sets are becoming Internet Compatible. Older, non-HD TV sets are disappearing, useless doorstops in the future HD 3-D world. Remember the commercial? "When I was a boy, we didn't have to pay extra for color? We feel you shouldn't have to pay extra for HD."
Dear jackass: When I was a boy, WE DIDN'T HAVE TO PAY ANYTHING FOR TV.
Follow the money.
Is it really that difficult to see coming? A day when NOTHING is broadcast for free, where if you want to watch TV at all, you will be given a surcharge. How much can the populace afford to pay? A new HDTV, more for internet connection to watch it. It adds up, and fast.
Follow the money.
How long before the internet becomes a place of only the select few, and not the entirety of us all?
Follow the money.
How long before broadcast TV becomes a rare and expensive item?
Follow the money.
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